Dating Tips that Work Which of the Three Types of Women Should You be Dating?
I'm going to bypass that, make it brain-dead simple for you, and most importantly, reveal a few dating tips you can apply in the real world. In these dating tips, I'm going to share with you the little-known concept of the "three types of women."
There's a wonderful book you should read called "Winning Through Intimidation" by Robert Ringer. You can get it on Amazon for a few bucks (get the original version published in the 1970's, not the new "touchy feely" one.) Many people are turned off by the title, thinking it's about "scaring" people into giving you what you want. That's not what it's about, though. It's actually about protecting yourself from intimidation. It's also a fun read, full of hilarious stories and even a few cartoons (of turtles wearing sunglasses). But it's a book each and everyone looking for dating tips needs to read, because the part I'm about to share with you absolutely applies to interacting successfully and effortlessly with sexy women..
In the book, Ringer talks about the three types of people in the business world- and in my experience he's 100% correct. Here they are.
Type #1- this is the guy who is out to get all your "chips" and lets you know about it. This guy is "straightforward" about his intentions, what some would call honest. Type #2 this is the guy who assures you he is not out to get your "chips", and in fact, tells you he wants you to get everything that is coming to you. Then he attempts to grab all your "chips" anyways.
Type #2's are the most treacherous type.
Type#3: this is the guy who assures you he is not out to get your chips, and sincerely means it, but by his bumbling, stumbling or just pure incompetence he winds up trying to take them anyways (even though he doesn't mean to). How do the "three types" translate into a usable dating tip?
And, how does all of this relate to success with attracting sexy women? Well, it's been my experience that women fall into, roughly, these three types as well.
Type #1: she's straightforward with you about her intentions? whether she's into "fun friends," or looking for a husband, she is forthright with you up front. She knows herself and what makes her happy.
Type #2: this is the woman who appears to be straightforward with you about what she wants? but for whatever reason, she's out to get your money, deliberately break your heart, or she's just pissed at all men -what a female friend of mine called a "cruel woman." Like the above type #2, the operative word here is "treacherous."
Type #3: this is the woman who truly believes herself when she tells you what she's looking for, but for whatever reason, bad things seem to happen around her? she "self sabotages" whenever things are going good, and winds up wreaking great emotional havoc on the men in her lives, even though she doesn't mean to. The result is still the same as dealing with a Type #2, though, and that's why it's vitally important you pay close attention to the above dating tips.
Obviously you want to spend your time with the Type #1's (in business and with women) and avoid the Type #2's. If you pay attention and listen for her, what I call, map/model of the world, you can usually identify the Type #2's. You'll hear things like "my last boyfriend was cheap, he wouldn't take me out or buy me things." Or, things like, "I drove by his house and a strange car was in the driveway? he was cheating on me." Here is a dating tip that will save you time, money, and heartache: when you hear things like this, run away FAST.
Type #3's can be more difficult to identify. It usually takes a lot longer, and you have to pay careful attention. Listen for things like, "It was going along so good, and I just don't know what happened." Type #3's are controlled by their "inner world," not in control of it. That's why I usually recommend starting any relationship as just "fun friends" so you can begin to get a clear picture of her map/model of the world and pinpoint her Type. A lot of what appear to be Type #1's in the beginning actually identify themselves as Type #3's later on down the line. You can never stop paying attention, or you will get in trouble. Dating tips like this one can be applied, and used day in and day out. Start paying attention to this, and watch just how true this is. It's the difference between happiness and misery!
John Alanis, "The King of Let 'em Come to You", is author of the "Women Approach You" system at
His blog is at
He's all wet...
You can find out almost instantly the kind of women you're dating...or men for that matter by using a very simple idea...I wrote a small ebook about it:
Dating Discovery Secret
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The Writer |
11:55 AM